Recap of the Dutch brony meeting August 2011


Well-Known Member
When news about the meeting was posted in the Dutch thread on Ponychan, it started with 4 attendees and 2 unconfirmed, but after 1,5 months this grew to 13 Confirmed and 5 Maybe.

In the end a total of 14 people showed up, and this is a recap of the afternoon.

So we met up at the Burger King in Amsterdam for a 'nice' lunch/breakfast while some of the bronies started drawing and others started playing guitar and talked about being a brony and what got them hooked on the show. After waiting a while for some late arrivals we were complete and the meet was underway.

As we left the Burger King we figured we would take a group photo now that the whole Dutch brony herd was complete!

And how can you not think of Pinkie Pie when you see these pink balloons?

After that we headed into Amsterdam on a quest for ponies! It was a long walk but we met some interesting people from Anonymous that where handing out fliers, we spoke to them for a while and they were really nice guys and didn't mind us taking a few photos with them.

After a while we noticed that there where many pony-related store names including "Cloppenburg".

But none of the bronies could resist the cafe we encountered next :

So all of us went inside to rest up for a bit and to get something to drink and of course… MUFFINS! (if the organizer of the meet-up had an element of harmony it would have been that of generosity, since he bought muffins for everypony!)

That's not a muffin That's not a muffinAfter the shenanigans at cafe Luna we looked up some places where we could find ponies, but first one of the bronies decided to buy something to drink at a bakery and the cashier noticed the My Little Pony shirt. She couldn't believe all of us liked the show and she started singing "My Little Pony, My Little Pony," and the entire brony herd started singing the G4 opening. Naturally it caught her off-guard and she laughed it off.

After that we managed to find three stores that contained ponies. We were pretty satisfied and decided to make one more stop before we called the first Dutch brony meeting off.

As soon as we started saying our goodbyes and did our brohoofs the sky suddenly turned black...

Apparently somepony wasn't amused that our meeting came to an end because the sky burst open and no brony was safe from the rain.. All of us were soaked to our flanks. Several of the bronies decided to call it a day, but a small group headed over to a brony's house. Pizza was ordered, and we watched some... What would you think?

My Little Pony, of course!

And that's how the first Dutch brony meeting came to an end, we were are already discussing plans for a next meet-up cause it was a great success and there were some others that couldn't make it.

So if you are a closet brony, and you live in Holland, don't be afraid! You are not alone! Join the Dutch herd and let's make the Dutch brony community 20% cooler!
