Recap Dutch brony meeting, October 2011


Well-Known Member
The second meeting of the Dutch bronies took place on October 1st 2011 in Utrecht, the Netherlands.The event was announced in the Dutch Ponychan thread and on the Rainbowdash Network.

17 people signed up who were certain they'd come, 8 more people weren't sure. At the event, 26 people showed up.

We gathered at the local Burger King, inside a mall next to Utrecht Central Station. After introducing oneself and meeting some local emos (the place is quite a popular location for meetups), the organizers checkend who was present. After waiting for some people who were going to be late, we headed off into the city with giant Pinkie Pie.

After leaving Burger King we walked through the mall making a short stop for a picture of Pinkie at asweet shop while enjoying the looks on people's faces when they saw the giant pony.

After a short walk through the city, a couple of bronies went back to the mall to collect the people who were late and the rest of us decided to sit down at a small park.

Here we pretty much settled down, put down our bags, and gave giant Pinkie a nice spot for the passers by to enjoy it.After a few minutes someone started playing MLP songs on the guitar and most of us sang along. After the final bronies arrived, a small group went to a nearby supermarket, and soon returned with a great feast of cupcakes, cookies and sweets.

Over the course of the day people separated into small groups to visit the local toy shops (and not without succes)

and to buy some chalk

Before the first people had to leave, we took some group pictures, shot by some fellow passers by.

Around 5 PM, we decided the wrap it up.We distributed the leftover food (which was quite a lot) after which most of us went to visit a place called "Cloppenburg" while everyone else took gaint Pinkie to the car of the person that was taking it home. With a little creativity it fit in the car without ensuring the driver of certain death.

Finally we went to McDonalds for a healthy,nutritious, and well balanced meal. After eating we had a group hug, said our goodbyes and went back home.

Meetups are the first Saturday of the month, once every 2 months. Everypony is welcome! The time and location of the next meeting are currently being discussed. Stay tuned for more info.