Meetup plans 3 december!


Well-Known Member
Good news everypony!

The plans for the Meet on december the 3rd are finalized!

We will meet at Utrecht Centraal Station in front of the Burger King at noon (12:00). From there we will parasprite march to the location we've rented for this occasion, so the bronies won't freeze their hooves off, which will be Moira. At the end of the day we will broadcast the new episode for everypony to see so no pony has to be afraid that they won't get their fix!

The location doesn't allow to bring your own drinks (snacks are allowed) but are quite cheap. Minor alcoholic beverages will also be served.
Furthermore, the organization of the event paid for the location and everything that comes with it. For this reason, donations would be very welcome (but not mandatory) so that the organization won't be left with a huge debt.
So don't forget to bring some cash for drinks and possibly a donation!

If you haven't signed up for the event yet, please do so on this link so we know how many people to expect!
If you have any questions about the meet, you can leave a message in the comments or on the forums.

We hope to see everypony then!