Dutch Brony Meet #9


Well-Known Member

Fillies and gentlecolts,

We finally figured out the date and place for the next big meetup. The meet will be on the 6th of april and will once again be held in Haarlem Business Center.

The reason this took so long is because we have been looking for a more affordable accommodation closer to Utrecht but we have been unsuccessful so far. If you think you know a suitable place for future meetups, let us know at orga@bronies.nl!

We planned a few new events this time and a lot of the old ones will also be there as well. The auction will once again be an auction. If you want to sell things at the auction, please mail us at veiling@bronies.nl. The optional 50% artist fee applies as usual.
Forum discussion topic: LINK!

In short:

What: Dutch Brony Meet #9
Where: Haarlem Business Center - A. Hofmanweg 5A, 2031 BH Haarlem
When: 6th of april 2013, 12:00 - 20:00

The entrance we use is on the right side of the building at the parking
lot. One of the orga will be there to open the gate.

For people going with Public Transport (train), the station where you want to exit is Haarlem Spaarnwoude (not Haarlem CS). Haarlem Business Center is at walking distance from Haarlem Spaarnwoude.

Please register at http://inskijf.bronies.nl/ if you are going to attend (optional but recommended) and we hope to see you all there!